Kappa Alpha Order
Nickname: The Order
Letters: KA
Chapter/Colony Designation: Gamma Eta
Chapter Total: 194 members
Chapter Website: https://websites.omegafi.com/omegaws/kappaalphaorderfsu/?doing_wp_cron=1590768352.4853780269622802734375
Inter/National Website: https://www.kappaalphaorder.org/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KappaAlphaFSU/
Instagram: @fsukappaalpha
Chapter Information
Kappa Alpha Order prides itself on holding members to higher moral, social, and scholastic levels than society dictates. Kappa Alpha provides an environment that builds strong bonds, lasting memories, and brothers for a lifetime. We have a 100% bid process, which means that every single brother gets to meet and know you. This is what makes getting a bid from KA different from any other Greek organization, and what makes our brotherhood so strong.
Chapter Facility Location
Kappa Alpha Order
418 W College Ave
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Chapter Executive Board
President: Ian Seibert
Vice President: Lawton Dowdell
Recording Secretary: Zach Stokes
Corresponding Secretary: Jack Albright
Historian: Pierce Browning
Purser: JR Millar
Parliamentarian: Steele Shouppe
Sergeant-at-Arms: Harry Summer
Marshall: Jake Lazenby